Upcoming virtual Better Arguments events.

Better Arguments: Principles to Practice

Hosted by The Better Arguments Project

This session offers concrete tips for putting Better Arguments principles into practice, as well as reflections about the opportunities and challenges related to bridging our nation’s divides. We recommend attending Better Arguments 101 before this session.


Better Arguments 101

Hosted by The Better Arguments Project

Join us for a one-hour introduction to the Better Arguments Project. Together, we will reflect on the role of arguments in healthy democracy and we will introduce the 3 dimensions and 5 Principles of a Better Argument. If you are new to the Better Arguments Project, this session is a perfect way to get started.


How to Teach Middle School Students to Argue Better

Hosted by The Better Arguments Project

Great schools and education can help students grow intellectually, socially, and emotionally. These moments of growth lead to others, sparking a positive cycle for students, teachers, parents, and communities. Yet as society grapples with deepening political and ideological divides, how are we raising and educating young people to understand and navigate relationships across differences? In […]

Better Arguments 101

Hosted by The Better Arguments Project

Join us for a one-hour introduction to the Better Arguments Project. Together, we will reflect on the role of arguments in a healthy democracy and we will introduce the 3 dimensions and 5 Principles of a Better Argument. If you are new to the Better Arguments Project, this session is a perfect way to get […]
