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Bridging Social Divides With Better Arguments
Bridging Social Divides With Better Arguments
Tensions are mounting across the United States and around the world. People from all walks of life often [...] 
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Americans Don't Need Reconciliation—They Need to Get Better at Arguing
Americans Don't Need Reconciliation—They Need to Get Better at Arguing
Eric Liu makes the case for having Better Arguments.
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Living Room Conversations Co-Founder Joan Blades and Allsides CEO John Gable Give Their Take on Better Arguments
Living Room Conversations Co-Founder Joan Blades and Allsides CEO John Gable Give Their Take on Better Arguments
Political polarization has reached new highs, evident in the inflammatory headlines that flood our Facebook feeds and the shouting matches between partisan rivals on cable news. But perhaps even more worrisome is the unwillingness to engage with the “other side” in our lives.
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Facing History and Ourselves President & CEO Roger Brooks Gives His Take on Better Arguments
Facing History and Ourselves President & CEO Roger Brooks Gives His Take on Better Arguments
Good arguments are crucial to a healthy American civic life. They provide a means to reckon with difference and sometimes to forge joint solutions.
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