Americans Don't Need Reconciliation—They Need to Get Better at Arguing
Americans Don't Need Reconciliation—They Need to Get Better at Arguing
Eric Liu makes the case for having Better Arguments.
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Video: Watch Educators Describe Better Arguments in the Classroom
Video: Watch Educators Describe Better Arguments in the Classroom
By having Better Arguments in school, educators are changing how students approach disagreement.
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Event Video: Bridging Ideological Divides Through a Faith Lens
Event Video: Bridging Ideological Divides Through a Faith Lens
Faith communities have an essential role in civic life — and in forging relationships across differences.
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Event Video: How to Teach Middle School Students to Argue Better
Event Video: How to Teach Middle School Students to Argue Better
As society grapples with deepening political and ideological divides, how are we raising and educating young people to understand and navigate relationships across differences?
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