Americans Don't Need Reconciliation—They Need to Get Better at Arguing
Americans Don't Need Reconciliation—They Need to Get Better at Arguing
Eric Liu makes the case for having Better Arguments.
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If We Are Going to Argue, Let's Do It Right
If We Are Going to Argue, Let's Do It Right
Read more from Aspen Institute Citizenship and American Program associate director, Caroline Hopper, in this CNN Opinion piece on the Better Arguments Project in Detroit.
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Event Video: Tech Boom Tensions in Denver Area
Event Video: Tech Boom Tensions in Denver Area
The program included remarks by local and national leaders, including Colorado Governor Jared Polis. Participants had the opportunity to constructively engage in contentious topics as they relate to metro Denver's booming tech industry.
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Event Video: Opening Up Between New and Long-time Detroiters
Event Video: Opening Up Between New and Long-time Detroiters
In partnership with the Urban Consulate, a pilot event was held in Detroit to address tensions between longtime Detroiters and newcomers as the city adapts to a time of rapid change and growth.
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