Better Arguments Ambassador Program
Do you want to lead your community to engage more constructively across differences of opinion?

Program Description
The Better Arguments Project Ambassador Program is a fellowship-style, action-oriented experience. As a result of the program, each Ambassador will be equipped to make commitments of action to put Better Arguments into practice in their respective communities. We seek leaders of all kinds who share a passion for finding healthier, more constructive ways to disagree and exchange ideas, and who are ready to commit to leading their communities in doing so. This program will unfold through a series of 10 modules, taking place virtually for two-hours each week. Meeting weekly with their cohort of Ambassadors, participants will delve deeply into the Better Arguments framework, reflect on their own values and views about civil discourse and engagement across divides, and learn how to guide others to argue better. Participants will engage in peer-to-peer learning with a diverse cohort of Ambassadors, all of whom are taking this step to improve our civil discourse. With the support and feedback from fellow Ambassadors as well as the Better Arguments team, participants will craft a commitment to bring Better Arguments concepts to their community. The Ambassador Program is completely free, and each participant will receive a stipend. If this program sounds right for you, start by asking yourself: “Why does my community need a Better Argument?” Share your thoughts with us by applying to the Ambassador Program today!
Who Should Apply?
- Be at least 18 years old.
- Be based in the United States.
- Have experience facilitating conversations or a demonstrated interest in improving civil discourse in the United States.
- Have a desire to engage with diverse viewpoints and bring the Better Arguments framework back to their community.
- Be willing to uphold the 3 Dimensions and 5 Principles of a Better Argument throughout the program.
- Understand and respect the time commitment. Participants must be willing to attend each weekly session.
*Applications will be reviewed based on many factors to create a diverse cohort of thoughtful leaders based on geographic location, political views, professional sector, and race and ethnicity, to name a few examples*
Program Modules